Ongoing Projects
Project title:
Developing efforts to advocate for children welfare and health by raising awareness on emerging and updated issues in Paediatrics; dissemination of children healthcare issues by writing peer-reviewed blog entries on yEAP website
Contact person:
Sian Copley (YEAP-UK)
Project title:
Migrant Health
Review of migrant child’s issues and inclusion of these subjects in the EAP curriculum of pediatrics.
Desired outcome:
Creation of migrant children health guidelines for children in need – migrant health screening app.
Contact Person:
Paul Torpiano (YEAP-Malta)
Project title:
Paediatric training programmes across Europe
Comparison of training programs throughout Europe by interviewing trainees and asking them about concerns and good aspects of their programs. Highlighting of similarities and disparities between programs, to improve workflow and education in pediatrics.
Contact person:
Miguel Martins (YEAP-Portugal)
Project title:
Care of Ukrainian children with chronic disease
Considering the War in Ukraine many children with chronic disease were left without regular follow-up and maintenance. EAP and yEAP have gathered efforts in reaching out to Ukrainian National Society of Paediatrics and NGOs who work with children to help pinpoint children in need of care, so that they might be transferred to other European country hospitals who are willing to host these children, to continue treatment and follow-up.
Contact person:
Ivan Bambir (YEAP-Croatia, Young EAP Chair)
A project to help spread the word of activities/events/publications about vaccinations and health aspects in children and adults of marginalized, difficult to reach populations. A paper summarizing the vaccine uptake situation in Europe in times of Covid-19 is published in Vaccines. The goal of the Social media workgroup is to post information, events and activities of the immuhubs consortium in social media platforms to increase visibility. Visit #immmuhubs on X and LinkedIn in to learn more!
Contact person:
Sian Copley (YEAP-UK)
YEAP - Past Projects
Working and Training Conditions in Paediatrics Across Europe
Working and training conditions in paediatrics across Europe
Poor working conditions have the potential to jeopardise patient care and lead to shortages in doctors. As outlined by the European Junior Doctors, a high proportion of doctors suffers from stress and burn out, especially in training positions. Therefore, it is essential that all young doctors are provided with a healthy work environment. In 2017, a pilot survey was distributed amongst national representatives within Young EAP. Potential differences in customs and regulations around working shifts during pregnancy, parental leave, working hours, compensation of shifts and extra hours, and planned educational hours within working hours were found. Based on these preliminary findings, a more detailed survey was composed.
With this study, we aim to get a better understanding of the similarities and differences in working and training conditions for paediatric residents across Europe.
Desired outcome
The results of the final survey will be used to identify areas for improvement in training and working conditions of paediatric residents in order to improve safety and quality of paediatric training and patient care.
Contact person:
Renske van Vugt (YEAP-Netherlands)
In addition, every two months Young EAP published a blog about current issues that have an impact on child health or a topic related to the future of paediatrics or child health. Finally, Young EAP collaborates in EAP’s advocacy work in several areas, including vaccine hesitancy, migrant child health, and rare diseases. This work is supported by Young EAP Representatives.
High-value, Cost-conscious Care
High-value, cost-conscious care
Paediatric practice is dynamic and continually changes with evidence and experience. Keeping up with contemporary best practice can be challenging. Out-of-date practices can lead to patients getting inappropriate, unnecessary or even potentially harmful interventions. The identification and reduction of low-value medical practices has the potential to drive safer, high-quality patient care and guide appropriate decisions in resource-limited situations. Therefore, the EAP together with Young EAP has commenced a project similar to “Choosing Wisely Canada” and the Australian “EVOLVE” to help physicians and patients engage in conversations about unnecessary tests, treatments, and procedures.
As part of this project, a list of “don’t”s will be developed.
Desired outcome
To increase high-value, cost-conscious care and have it implemented in paediatric training.
Contact person:
Andreas Trobisch (YEAP-Austria)
In addition, Young EAP regularly organises several educational webinars featuring international guest experts who share innovative ideas that are focused on the future of child health and paediatric training, that can be further developed and implemented by paediatric trainees. Examples can be viewed here.
Paediatric Training Programmes Across Europe
Paediatric training programmes across Europe
National paediatric training programmes differ between countries. Useful insights can be gained through comparison of these training programmess, as this may result in the identification of theoretical and practical training modules and assessment methods that could be implemented across borders. Therefore, a comparison is made between national training programs in areas of overall training structure, subspecialty tracks, theoretical and practical training modules, use of e-learnings, and means of assessment.
To identify best practices in paediatric training and assessment that could be implemented across borders.
Desired outcome
Ultimately, this project will lead to the development of a web-based platform for accredited European courses, training modules and exams for common trunk training in Paediatrics.
Contact person:
Ivan Bambir (YEAP-Croatia, Young EAP Vice-Chair)
EAPS 2018 Trainee Events
EAPS 2018 Trainee Events
The EAPS congress is a bi-annual joint scientific and educational event organized by the EAP, European Society of Paediatric and Neonatal Intensive Care (ESPNIC) and the European Society for Paediatric Research (ESPR). In 2018, the EAPS congress will take place in Paris, from October 30 until November 3. For the first time, this congress will also include a trainee event (October 31st), which will be organized by Young EAP and the ESPNIC trainee representative.
To foster academic and scientific collaborations amongst future generations of paediatricians and paediatric and neonatal intensive care specialists and aims to nurture academic and scientific development in the societies of the EAP and ESPNIC.
Desired outcome
As good coordination and continuity of care based on an integrated and multi-disciplinary approach, are essential to further improve child health throughout Europe, we hope that this first EAPS trainee event will inspire future joint events involving even more collaborating societies.
Planned Events:
On October 31st at 3 pm, Young EAP will have a joint young session with ESPNIC about innovation in paediatrics and HF simulation. We also are organising a Young Apero for Young EAP and ESPNIC young members on the night of the 1st of November and a fun run on the quais de la Seine. Save these dates!
Centralisation of Paediatric Care
Centralisation of Paediatric care
Centralisation of low volume, highly specialised health care is a topic of current interest in several European countries. Centralisation of specialised healthcare services aims to improve patient outcomes and efficiency. It is typically characterised by reorganisation of healthcare services into fewer specialised units or a single centre, serving a higher volume of patients. During a recent brainstorming session, Young EAP members discussed current examples of (national) centralisation of care for paediatric cancer, paediatric cardiology and paediatric organ transplantation and compared these among European countries. Potential effects on the organisation of care pathways and the level of exposure to specialised paediatric care during paediatric core training were discussed and will be reported in a paper.
European Training in Adolescent Health and Medicine
European training in Adolescent Health and Medicine (recommendation)
Background and Aims
In many European countries, paediatric junior staff has no formal training in adolescent medicine and is ill-equipped to deal with issues and health problems such as substance use, unprotected sex, eating disorders and transition to adult care. Therefore, the EAP together with Young EAP has proposed a set of competency-based training goals and objectives as well as pedagogic approaches that are expected to improve the capacity of paediatricians to meet the needs of this important segment of the paediatric population.
The content has been developed from available publications and training programmes and mostly covers the generic aspects of adolescent healthcare, such as how to communicate effectively, how to review and address lifestyles, how to perform a respectful and relevant physical examination, how to address common problems of adolescents and how to support adolescents in coping with a chronic condition.
The European Academy of Paediatrics urges national bodies, paediatric associations and paediatric teaching departments to adopt these training objectives and put them into practice, so that paediatricians will be better prepared in the future to meet the challenge of delivering appropriate and effective healthcare to adolescents.
Contact person
Marija Slobodanac (YEAP-Croatia, Young EAP representative for Adolescent Medicine)
Link to publication

Strategic Advisory Groups
Young EAP Representatives:

Farhan Ud Din

Nora Karara
Choosing Wisely
Deconstructing urban myths about common pediatric diseases/issues by advertising small instructive evidence-based information. Raising awareness for overdiagnostics and overtreatment, which not only cause unnecessary costs in health systems, but are also potentially harmful for children. Currently developing pan-European survey about common (mis)practices in different clinical environments. Link to participate will follow!
Young EAP Representatives:

Anna Lastovka

Nora Karara
Infection Control / Vaccination
Supporting activities leading to better harmonization of vaccination programs in Europe and increase in vaccination coverage. Keeping track of developments and recommendations regarding vaccinations for Children.
Young EAP Representatives:

Francesca Seregni

Anna Lastovka

Valentina Ferraro
Adolescent Health
Workgroup to support training initiatives in the field, set up training opportunities and publish recommendations about adolescent healthcare.
Young EAP Representatives:

Anna Lastovka

Francesca Seregni
European Board of Paediatrics (EBP) Exam and EAP Education
Collaboration with European Board of Paediatrics (EBP) activities, namely the preparation for the EBP exam with question-writing and management. Collaboration on the preparation of EAP Educational material including EAP Learning App with clinical case scenarios and teaching material and the Core Knowledge in Paediatrics (CKP) course
Collaborations With Other Organisations
European Training Curriculum for Pediatric Emergency Medicine
European Training Curriculum for Pediatric Emergency Medicine
YEAP Representative

Nika Morgan
European Association of Perinatal Medicine
Opportunity to collaborate with the EAPM multidisciplinary group which is now starting out. The group is comprised of trainees in Ob/Gyn, Paediatrics and Internal Medicine.
YEAP Representatives

Anna Wollschlaeger

Nika Morgan

Anna Wollschlaeger
